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教育委員会トップ > 小学校情報 > 中央小学校 > 2023年度 子どもの様子 > 6年生のページ > オーストラリアの子たちと交流!(6年生)


ページID:0136815 更新日:2023年11月8日更新 印刷用ページを表示する









It was my first time talking to Australian people, and it was fun. I couldn't speak English fluently before, but I'm glad I practiced and was able to speak and write English fluently. I usually take English lessons, and I want to do my best to be able to speak the English I have learned. I wanted to do it again. I would like to be able to speak English better because I could only say "hello" to the foreigners I met on a school trip.


ちゃんと英語を使って会話できたしみんな 面白い反応をしてくれるからとても楽しかったです。 最後まで集中できたのでいいと思いました。

I was able to converse using English well. It was a lot of fun because the Australian students also had interesting reactions. I thought it was good because I was able to concentrate until the end.



 The Australian students were good at Japanese. We were also very happy because we were able to communicate our English to the Australian students. I was very happy that the Australian students responded to every word we said. I was more nervous than practicing, so there were some parts where I couldn't speak well, but I was happy because the Australian students understood.


オーストラリアの子たちと ミーティングをして、英語をうまく話せるようになったし 今までより 英語の力がついたなと思いました。オーストラリアの子たちが反応 してくれたり、「Yes」や「Good」を示してくれたり、手を振ったりしてくれてうれしかったです。またオーストラリアの子たちと話したいなと思いました。

After interacting with Australian students, I became able to speak English well. I also felt that my English skills had improved. I was happy to see the Australian students react, say ``Yes'' and ``Good,'' and wave their hands. I also wanted to talk to Australian students.





When I talked with them today, I found that the Australian students were very friendly and interesting, and I had fun. Furthermore, I was surprised that the Australian students spoke Japanese very well. I learned that there are children from many different countries in Australia, and I thought it was a very peaceful country. I thought it would be good if everyone liked different things. I was surprised that they didn't know much about basketball, but I thought it was great that Australia has a popular sport (hockey, etc.).





It was very interesting to talk with the Australian children, and I was happy to see that one student's favorite anime is One Piece. I was very nervous when I was giving the presentation, but during the presentation I felt relieved. When I asked them what their favorite game was, one of them said ``Fortnite,'' and I thought I'd like to try it out with them. And he was very good at Japanese. I thought it was amazing that children from many different countries attend schools in Australia. I really enjoyed this opportunity.




I was very happy and enjoyed interacting with Australian students today. There are three things that I thought were amazing. First, the Australian students were very good at Japanese. I'm sure they've been studying a lot for this presentation and working hard in their regular Japanese classes. Second, I thought it was great that even though they were from different countries, they were able to get along well with everyone. Third, they are very friendly even to strangers they meet for the first time. I don't think that kind of culture exists in Japan, so many people find it difficult to talk to people they meet for the first time, but Australian students try their best to talk to them and quickly become friends.




I was nervous today, but it was a lot of fun. It was a great opportunity for me because I had never talked to someone from another country who was the same age and grade as me. I was happy that I was able to speak English well. Although it was difficult to present while showing the pictures, it was fun because the message was conveyed to them. The Australian students' Japanese pronunciation was very beautiful and I thought it was amazing. The presentation was also very good. I think I was able to give a presentation that was loud and easy to hear today. I want to use what I learned from today's presentation to study English pronunciation, read English sentences, and memorize vocabulary. I was able to learn a lot about foreign countries, so I thought I would like to continue researching on my own and learn more about foreign countries.




When I introduced myself to children from different countries, I realized that normally when I speak, I speak in a low voice, but this time I was able to speak loudly and clearly. I was very happy. I was surprised at how well the Australian students spoke Japanese when they introduced themselves. When I asked the question, ``What's your favorite anime?'' I thought it was amazing that so many people liked Japanese anime. Also, after I finished my presentation, I was so happy that they all gave me lots of thumbs up and applause. In Japanese schools, there are many Japanese children, but in Australian schools, I was surprised to see that there were many children from countries such as England, Korea, and China. It was more fun and interesting than I expected, and above all, I was happy that I was able to introduce myself well.